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Financial Aid and Scholarships

It is important to make an informed decision about an institution of higher education. This includes its affordability. Once your academic and social interests and objectives have been matched with appropriate institutions, you may consider financial assistance. Advanced Admissions counselors are experts in the financial aid process. This includes completing the FAFSA and CSS Profile applications, communicating directly with Financial Aid Offices regarding special circumstances, and applying for need-based aid, merit-based aid and scholarships. Our team will support you throughout the entirety of the financial aid process and provide you with the pertinent knowledge necessary to make the very best college decision for your financial means.

By beginning the process early and focusing on organization and a strategic approach, we will ensure that you don’t miss a single detail or opportunity along the way. We begin by formulating a well-thought-out college list that includes schools that offer financial assistance, such as merit-based scholarships and other financial aid. We guide you in how to best position yourself and highlight your accomplishments to maximize merit awards and ensure a timely submission of all your financial aid applications.

Every family’s financial profile is different. Understanding the vast amount of financial aid opportunities available to students will expand the amount of educational options students can pursue. Financial Aid should not be the barrier between yourself and the school of your dreams. With our guidance, we will navigate the financial aid process strategically and effectively so you can attend the school of your dreams.